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About the journal


Basic information


Editor: Ivone Evangelista Cabral, PhD.  UFRJ, Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery

Objective:  To publish original manuscripts related to Nursing, Healthcare and other areas of knowledge whenever there is an interface between Health Science and Nursing Science.

Areas of interest: Nursing Science, Health, Humanities and Social Sciences

History: Anna Nery School Journal of Nursing is a vehicle  of scientific comunication sponsored by Anna Nery Nursing School, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, since 1997. It is a Journal of national and international circulation, associated to the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors – ABEC since 2010. Joined to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) since 2016 


Frequency of the Journal: This journal publishes in a continuous publication model, with 4 issues per year.

Its abbreviated title is Esc Anna Nery, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.


Index Bases And Dictories


The articles published by Escola Anna Nery are summarized or indexed in the following bases:

  • SCOPUS - Scimago Journal & Country Ranking 
  • REDALYC- Red de Revistas da América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal
  • EBSCO/CINAHL - Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature
  • CUIDEN - Fundación Index 
  • EMCare – Elsevier
  • DOAJ
  • LILACS - Literatura Latinoamericana y Del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud
  • Google Scholar
  • BDENF - Base de Datos de Enfermería  
  • Portal Rev@Enf SciELO
  • BIREME – Centro Latinoamericano e do Caribe de Informação em Ciências da Saúde.
  • LATINDEX (Catálogo) - Sistema Regional de Información en línea para Revistas Científicas de America Latina ,el Caribe,España y Portugal 
  • MINERVA -Base de dados da UFRJ -
  • SECS - Seriado em Ciências de Saúde - SIBI/UFRJ –Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas da UFRJ. Diretório de Revistas


Intellectual Property


All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY.

The online journal is free and open access.

Soon the article is published, its contents may be copied, distributed, edited, remixed and used for new creations. Both, the original author is credited and Anna Nery School Nursing is granted to. The function of this license type is to promote the dissemination and use of licensed materials.





The publication of this journal is financially sponsored by:

  • Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery- EEAN/ Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
  • Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (MCTI)
  • Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
  • Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
  • Ministério da Educação (MEC)
  • Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ)




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Editorial Board



  • Profª. Drª Ivone Evangelista Cabral. UFRJ, Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery


Associated Editors

  • Prof. Dr. Antonio José de Almeida Filho - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro. Brasil
  • Profª. Dra. Ana Luiza de Oliveira Carvalho - UFRJ, Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery
  • Profª. Drª. Aline Cristiane Cavicchioli Okido - Universidade Federal de São Carlos. São Carlos/SP - Brasil.
  • Profa. Dra. Cristina Rosa Soares Lavareda Baixinho  - Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa -  Portugal
  • Profª. Drª. Eliane Tatsch Neves - UFSM, Departamento de Enfermagem
  • Prof. Dr. Franco Carnevale - McGill University. Montreal, Quebec- Canadá
  • Prof. Dr. Gerson Marinho - UFRJ, Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery
  • Profª. Dra. Julia Maricela Torres Esperón- Escuela Nacional de Cuba – Habana
  • Profa. Dra. Maria Manuela Vila Nova Cardoso - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro. Brasil
  • Profª. Drª. Maria Catarina Salvador da Motta - UFRJ, Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery
  • Prof. Dr. Rafael Celestino da Silva- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro. Brasil
  • Profª. Drª. Stela Maris de Mello Padoin - UFSM, Departamento de Enfermagem - Santa Maria, RS. Brasil
  • Profª Dra. Sophia Sabina Lavado Huarcaya - Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo


Editorial Board


National Editorial Board

  • Prof.ª Dr.ª Ana Fátima Carvalho Fernandes / DE - UFC - Fortaleza/CE-Brasil
  • Profª. Drª.Alacoque Lorenzini Erdmann/ DE - UFSC -Florianópolis/SC -Brasil
  • Prof.ª Dr.ª Conceição Vieira da Silva /DE - UNIFESP - Saõ Paulo/SP - Brasil
  • Profª. Drª. Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes / EERP - USP- São Paulo/SP-Brasil
  • Profª. Drª. Josicélia Dumet Fernandes / EE- UFBA -Salvador/BA -Brasil
  • Prof.ª Dr.ª Lorita Marlena Freitag Pagliuca / DE - UFC - Fortaleza/CE -Brasil
  • Profª. Drª Márcia de Assunção Ferreira - EEAN - UFRJ - Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil
  • Profª. Drª. Maria Helena Palucci Marziale / EERP - USP- Ribeirão Preto/SP-Brasil
  • Profª. Drª. Maria Itayra Coelho de Souza Padilha / DE - UFSC -Florianópolis/SC -Brasil
  • Profª. Drª. Vilma de Carvalho / EEAN - UFRJ- Rio de Janeiro/RJ – Brasil

International editorial board

  • Danielle Groleau Ph.D/ McGill University (Montreal-Quebec-Canadá)
  • Elizabeth Macera Ph.D /School of Nursing - University of California (San Franciso - Califórnia -USA)
  • Jacques Henri Maurice Gauthier Ph.D / Université de Paris VIII (Paris-Paris-França)
  • Magdalena Santo Tomás Pérez Ph.D / Universidad de Valladolid (Valladolid - Valladolid - Espanha)
  • Manuel Lillo Crespo Ph. D / Universidad de Alicante(San Vicente del Raspeig -Alicanti-Espanha)
  • Maria da Glória Miotto Wright Ph.D /Organization of the American States (Washington-Distrito de Columbia-USA)
  • Marta Hetsell Ph.D / University of New YorK (New York-New York-USA)
  • Patraporn Tungpunkom Ph.D /Faculty of Nursing - Chiang Mai University (Muang District-Chiang Mai -Tailândia)
  • Robbie Davis Floyd Ph.D / University of Texas (San Antonio-Texas- USA)
  • Sally Elizabeth Thorne Ph.D- University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canadá
  • Sandra Valenzuela Suazo Ph.D/ Universidad de Concepción (Chillan- Concepción-Chile)
  • Sebastián Bustamante Edquén Ph.D / Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (Trujillo-Trujillo-Peru)
  • Suthida Masuthon Ph.D/Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mamidol University (Ratchaet-Bangkok-Tailândia)
  • Teri Lindgern Ph.D/School of Nursing - University of California (San Francisco-Califórnia-USA)
  • Margareth Zanchetta Ph.D. Ryerson University (Toronto-Canadá)
  • Silvia Cassiani Ph.D. Panamerican Health Organization (Washington D.C. U.S.A)
  • Maria Luiza Pirazán Ph.D. Universidad Antonio Nariño (Bogotá-Colómbia)
  • Danélia Gómez Ph.D . Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México - (Toluca - Estado do México-México)
  • Mirliana Ramirez Pereira Ph.D. Universidad de Chile (Santiago - Chile)
  • Yolanda Elizabeth Rodriguez Nuñez Ph.D. Universidad Católica Los Angeles de Chimbote. (Chimbote – Perú)
  • Prof. Dr. Antonio Pedro Costa - Universidade de Aveiro. Aveiro, Portugal


  • Prof.ª Dra. Carla Luzia França de Araújo - UFRJ, Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery
  • Prof.ª Dra. Tânia Cristina Franco Santos - UFRJ, Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery
  • Prof.ª Dra. Ivone Evangelista Cabral - UFRJ, Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery
  • Prof. Dr. Antonio José de Almeida Filho - UFRJ, Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery


Editorial Production

  • Librarians
    Ana Márcia Rodrigues Corrêa Guimarães
    Lúcia Maria Pinho
  • Administrative support
    Fabiana dos Santos Ramada
  • Electronic Publishing / Finalization
    SciELO Brasil
    Tel. (11) 5083-3639 - ramal 112


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Instructions to authors


Editorial policy


Anna Nery School Journal of Nursing is a vehicle for scientific comunication sustained by Anna Nery Nursing School, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, since 1997. The Journal’s mission is publish an original manuscripts related to Nursing, Healthcare and other areas of knowledge whenever there is interfaces in Health and Nursing Science.

The journal will accept original manuscripts, developed by quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. It is also accepted studies such as reflections, essays, and systematized reviews. All those manuscripts should bring direct or indirect contributions to the historicity and practice of nursing care, to nursing education, to the development of new methodologies and technologies for caring, teaching, and research. It has a special interest in the studies developed with vulnerable populations whose findings directly contribute to broadening the nursing science that underlies ethical and human care.

It is adopted an online publication and open access policies recommended by Global Health Policy ( and SciElo ( ). Therefore, the readers do not pay for accessing, reading and download articles published by the Journal, since the purposes are dissemination and consumer for scientific and educational reasons.

Manuscript Submission: Manuscripts must be submitted exclusively to the Anna Nery School Journal of Nursing, followed by the "Statement of Author's Responsibility and Copyright send to Escola Anna Nery Revista de Enfermagem/ Anna Nery School Journal of Nursing " (at the end of this Instructions to Authors), and it is not permitted to do a simultaneous submission to another Journal.

Authorship Guideline

The authorship definition adopted by the Journal. We follow the ICMJE recommendation published at http://// According to the ICMJE, authors are whom that given a "substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND final approval of the version to be published; AND agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved." There is no restriction on the number of manuscript's author, however, it is necessary to send a letter to the Editor-in-Chief explaining the reason for more than 6 authors.

Responsibility for the content of the manuscript: The concepts, ideas and opinions expressed in articles published as well as the accuracy, adequacy and merits of bibliographic citations are the entire responsibility of the author (s), not necessarily reflecting the position of the Editorial Board, Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors. For this content, the authors should send a Statement of responsibility and copyright to Escola Anna Nery Revista de Enfermagem” (at the end of this Instructions to Authors) with the signature of each authors.  After that, the authors should submit your article through ScholarOne SciELO System, accessed on the website of the Journal:, or directly on the SciELO webpage:

Follow the standards of the integrity on scientific publication. The Journal editorial practice, in case of  scientific misconduct, such as  plagiarism, self plagiarism, data falsification or fabrication, misuse of reference or citation, duplicity, authorship disputes, follow the procedures, checklists and guidelines of the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

The Journal also adopts eletronic tracking tools for similarities detection. Thus, the authors must be aware of the legal implications and retraction process in scientific publications recommended by the COPE available in

Additional Information

Final versions for publication. The article submitted in Portuguese or Spanish must be translated into English. The authors will be asked to provide the final versions of the article approved for publication in English, and in the translated and Grammarly reviewed by a Proof Reader accompanied by the certificates of the professionals/companies accredited by the Journal. The costs are the responsibility of the authors.

Decision about the publication: The Editorial Board has full authority to decide on the selection and publication of manuscripts, when they present the requirements adopted for the evaluation of its scientific merit, considering its originality, priority, timeliness, clarity and knowledge of the relevant literature and proper definition of the subject studied.

They also must be aware of the legal implications related to the provisions of Article 184 of the Penal Code and Article 7 of the third paragraph of Brazilian Law No. 9,610, from February 19, 1998 (See Law No. 12,853, 2013)Lei nº 9.610, de 19 de fevereiro de 1998. Vide Lei nº 12.853, de 2013) which amends, updates and consolidates the copyright law, academic plagiarism is a crime.

Compliance with the requirements of research ethics: The article should contain explicit information on the ethical principles of research, in accordance with the guidelines and regulations of each country. It is not allowed to publish any name, under any form, that could disclose the identification of participants, and could represents a break of the principals of anonymity.

  • a) The manuscript of a Brazilian study involving research or an experience report with human subjects should be attached at the "supplementary file" bar, the copy of the document approved by a Research Ethics Committee (in accordance with Resolution. nº 196 of 1996, from the National Health Council (CNS), for studies conducted up to the year 2012 and Resolution No. 466 of 2012, by CNS, from the year of 2013).
    b) Researches or studies  implemented on Human and Social Science in Health, and Nursing should present a document approval by Research Ethics Committee (Brazilian Resolution. Nr. 510, 2016 April  7, of National Council of Health, a normative for Researches developed on Human and Social Science).  The document in format PDF should be uploaded as a "supplementary files".

Conflict of interest: Authors are responsible for recognizing and inform the Editorial Board on the existence of conflicts of interest, especifying the conflict nature, that might have any influence on their manuscript.

  1. Financial connections of any organization should be reported by each of the authors in individual statements, as available in SchoolarOne system in step-by-step to the submission of the manuscript. Financial conflicts of interest when it involves direct financing resources, employment, consultancies, ownership actions and fees are the most easily identified and most likely to compromise the credibility of the publication, by the authors and the science itself. Conflicts with other motivations, such as personal relationships, academic competition, and intellectual passion can also occur.


In compliance with “Best practice Guideline for Publishers" (, all authors must be registered on, and inform your number at a specific space on the System and on Title Page.

Peer review: The manuscript will be submitted for review and appraisal by two reviewers, researchers with an established competence in the knowledge area of the manuscript, process that adopt secrecy and anonymity to the author (s) and reviewers. The analysis is based on own instrument by the submission system.

Type of License: The authors are aware that when publishing at Escola Anna Nery Revista de Enfermagem/ Anna Nery School Journal of Nursing, They are agreeing of a License Creative Commons Attribution - CC-By Type ( by the Journal. Soon the manuscript has been published, its content should be copied, distributed, remixed and used for new creations, as long as an original author and Journal published (Escola Anna Nery) are cited as references. The purpose of CC-By type of license is to increase a scientific knowledge dissemination, and the use of licensed materials.

General Information

Follow the scientific criteria recognized internationally: The scientific writing of the article must meet the criteria available in the checklist published in the following wegpages, according to the type of manuscript:

  1. For publication of manuscripts that originated from research / clinical trials, it is mandatory that the authors present evidence of registration from clinical research or submission in the database of the Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (Rebec), http: //www.ensaiosclinicos / in compliance with ANVISA RDC No. 36, dated June 27, 2012 ( For studies conducted in other countries, proof of registration will be accepted at other platforms from International Clinical Trials Registration Platform (ICTRP / WHO). It is mandatory the information of the record number at the end of the ABSTRACT.
  2.  For randomized clinical trials, observe the guidelines available at:
  3.  For observational and epidemiological studies, observe the guidelines available in:
  4. For qualitative studies, observe the guidelines available in:
  5. Studies for systematic review, observe the guidelines available at:

Target Audience:  Scientific Community of Nursing Science, Health Science, Humanities and Social Sciences in Health linked to Nursing Science.

Policy of charge. There is no charge submission at Escola Anna Nery Revista de Enfermagem. Once the manuscript submitted is selected by the Editors for continuing the process of reviewing, the author is charged of the amount of R$ 250.00 for starting the process of manuscript evaluation.

After reviewing process is concluded and the manuscript is approved, the author is charged of the amount of R$ 900.00 for its publication.



Composition of manuscripts (Scientific Written and Format)


Scientific Written

Manuscripts should be written in the official spelling, double-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12; page layout in A4 size (21cm x 29.7cm); top and left margins 2,5 cm, bottom and right margins 2,0 cm. Manuscripts should be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish only. Manuscripts submitted in Portuguese and Spanish version, after its approval must be translated into the English version, by one of the translators certified by the journal. The cost of translation is the entire responsibility of their authors. After translation, the authors should submit the article according to the Letter sent to the Corresponding Author with the instruction of next steps of publication, followed by a letter or Statement of Proof Reader.

Categories of manuscripts

Original Research: An investigative report with anempirical or experimental research, original and completed in nursing or related areas, according to scientific methodology, whose results can be replicated and / or generalized. The manuscripts may have up to 20 pages, in accordance to the specifications in the item: Composition of Manuscripts:

Content of the Manuscript.

(a) Introduction: Present the “problem study”; highlight their importance and knowledge gaps; objectives and other elements necessary to place the research theme.

 (b) Literature review: select the relevant literature that formed the basis for investigation of the proposed research to provide the background for understanding the current knowledge on the topic and highlight the importance of the new study. When it is not necessary to create a chapter for the Literature Review, in consideration to the historical extension of the subject, it can be inserted in the Introduction.

(c) Method: include objectively and comprehensively, the type of study; Data about where the research was conducted; study subjects and their selection criteria; materials; equipment; technical procedures and methods used for data collection; statistical analysis / data categorization; inform the approval by the Research Ethics Committee, the date and the protocol number.

(d) Results: The results should be presented in a clear way, an objective manner and a logical sequence, using illustrations when necessary.

(e) must be written SEPARATELY from the results. It should highlight the compatibility of the results and the relevant literature highlighting the new and / or fundamental aspects, the limitations of the study and the statement of new researches. Demonstrate that the principles adopted for the discussion of the findings are relevant and appropriate to the generation of a new knowledge, emphasizing the dialogue with the international scientific community.

 (f) Conclusions and implications for practice: present significant considerations based on the results found and linked to the objectives of the study. The limitations of the study and the statement of new researches must be pointed.

(g) Funding. In the Title page, financing sources (direct), public or private, for conducting the study, should be registered. It should include information about the city, state, country, and the number of funding. For example, in the case of a Researcher scholarship or a PhD scholarship, the authors will register: Funding by the National Council of Science and Technology (CNPq, scholarship research in productivity); Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES; doctoral scholarship) by indicating which author (s) got the resource. If the research/study have not received any funding, should be declared: "research without funding."

h) Acknowledgement. In the Title page, the thanks to the support institution (public or private) that transfer of materials and products for the development of the study or a person who collaborated with it, can be specified.

Reflection: analysis of theoretical and / or construction aspects of concepts and / or theoretical constructs in Nursing or related field originated from reflective process, insight and careful consideration of the author (s), which may contribute to a deeper knowledge of professional topics.

Manuscripts may have up to 20 pages, according to the specifications in the item: Composition of Manuscripts.

Experience report: refers to descriptions of experiences related to clinical cases of nursing care, assistance, teaching, research and extension in the area of nursing, health or interfaces in these areas, to disseminate original and unique aspects. Manuscripts reporting experience may be written in accordance to the specifications in the item: Composition of Manuscripts.

Essay: Original text that develops an argument about a well-defined theme. In this type of manuscript, the author has the opportunity to defend a thesis on the subject of your domain or answer a question. The relevance and originality of the thesis or question should be articulated with the study from the Introduction. The sections that compose the essay must be relevant, coherent and consistent, defining a contribution to the statute of knowledge in the field in which the thesis or question was formulated. The arguments adopted to support the thesis or the answer to the question must be grounded in theoretical and philosophical references and/or conceptual evidence widely spread in the international scientific literature. The conclusion and final remarks are indispensable in this kind of manuscript.

In this type of manuscript, the author has the opportunity to defend a thesis on the subject of your domain or answer a question. The relevance and originality of the thesis or question should be articulated with the study from the Introduction. The sections that compose the essay must be relevant, coherent and consistent, defining a contribution to the statute of knowledge in the field in which the thesis or question was formulated. The arguments adopted to support the thesis or the answer to the question must be grounded in theoretical and philosophical references and / or conceptual evidences widely spread in the international scientific literature. The conclusion and final remarks are indispensable in this kind of manuscript.

Systematic Review: evaluative, critical and systematic presentation of a scientific topic in Nursing or related areas based on pertinent and relevant literature for generating evidences. The delimitation of the subject and the procedures adopted should be described as well as the interpretation of the author (s) and completion should be included. The review manuscripts may have up to 20 pages, in accordance with the specifications in the item: Composition of Manuscripts.

Integrative review: bibliographic review studies that apply the integrative review method to combine and analyze different methodologies and types of research and studies. It uses data from the empirical and theoretical literature to define concepts, identify gaps in the study areas, review theories and methodological approaches to studies on a specific topic. (Sasso, Pereira, Galvão, 2008). This type of manuscript should be written with a maximum of 20 pages, in accordance with the Composition of the Manuscript.

Other types of systematized review can be submitted to Journal's analysis, provided that they point out a trend of knowledge constructed from a reflexive thinking, rigorous methodologically and epistemologically grounded synthesis. Traditional literature reviews do not fall into this category. This type of manuscript should be written with a maximum of 20 pages, in accordance to the manuscript composition.

Other types of articles may be accepted if the content represents an innovation for nursing science and practice, and it was done under rigorous methodological and epistemological conduction. The manuscripts may have up to 15 pages, with double spacing, according to the specifications described in the item Composition of Manuscripts:

  1. Introduction
  2. Literatura review
  3. Method
  4. Results
  5. Discussiom
Conclusions/ Final consideration and implications for pratice


Citations in the text: The authors citations in the text must be in accordance with the suggested examples and elaborated according to the "Vancouver" style (enclosed) and show the number of reference from which they were removed without the author's name, according to the order in which were cited in the text. The numbers that identify the authors must be indicated, as the following example:

The actions for prevention, promotion and recovery of health in its various dimensions, can be experienced fully between professionals and families when considering the internal dynamics of multiple activities.1

In case of sequential citations, should be indicated the first and the last number, separated by a hyphen, as the following example:

The actions for prevention, promotion and recovery of health in its various dimensions, can be experienced fully between professionals and families when considering the internal dynamics of multiple activities. 1-5

When interspersed citations are needed, the numbers should be separated by comma, as the following example:

The actions for prevention, promotion and recovery of health in its various dimensions, can be experienced fully between professionals and families when considering the internal dynamics of multiple activities. 1-3,6

In the transcript "ipsis literes" from citations, it is required the indication of the adopted reference page whose page number should be located after the reference number followed by a colon, as the following example:

The actions for prevention, promotion and recovery of health in its various dimensions, can be “experienced fully between professionals and families when considering the internal dynamics of multiple activities”. 3:16-18

The author (s) should also observe the following criteria:

1) Up to three lines of citation, use quotation marks following the normal text, as the following example:

For an example purpose of the application from the instructions to the authors, the manuscript highlights the contribution of "The actions for prevention, promotion and recovery of health in its various dimensions, can be experienced fully between professionals and families when considering the internal dynamics of multiple activities". 3:16-18

2. More than three lines of citation, highlight it in a new line, distinguishing them in blocks from the normal text, without quotes, with single space and 3 back spaces from the left margin, as the following example:

For an example purpose of the application from the instructions to the authors, the manuscript must:

“Highlight the contribution to the actions for prevention, promotion and recovery of health in its various dimensions, can be experienced fully between professionals and families when considering the internal dynamics of multiple activities”. 3:16-18

3) The empirical data from qualitative research should be presented in a new line, distinguishing them in blocks from the normal text, in italics, without quotation marks, with single space and back spacing 2 cm from the left margin. These data must be identified by acronyms, letters, numbers or any other way, preserving anonymity approved by the Committee of Ethics in Research, or equivalent to other countries. Follow the example below:

[...] the users of that health service are very conscious of the need to involve them in the treatment of the disease to a higher satisfactory result [...] (E2)


Endnotes: should be indicated by letters, with a maximum of three. Footnotes, when essential, will be denoted as follows: a, first note; b, second note, and c third note.

Title: The title of the manuscript should be presented with a maximum of 16 words, in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

Abstracts: It should contain up to 200 words for original research manuscripts, reflection, experience report, systematic or integrative review, essay, followed by versions in Spanish (resúmen) and Portuguese (resumo). Textually, the composition of manuscript  should written each section: Aim, Method, Results, Conclusions and implications for practice. For international manuscripts, the briefing should present all the parts of the text in a summary way. should indicate the objective of the study, methods, main results, conclusions and implications for practice. Each part international of the abstract should describe a briefing should present all the parts of the text content in a summary way.

Rreferences: The presentation of the references should be single spaced, Times New Roman font size 12 with no paragraphs and retreats, and numbered according to their order of citation in the text, in accordance with the standards of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (http : // and ( known as " Vancouver Guidelines" The author (s) has the entire responsibility for the accuracy of references used.

Examples according Vancouver style.

Standard book:
Tyrrell MAR. Programas Nacionais de Saúde Materno-infantil: impacto político-social e inserção da enfermagem. Rio de Janeiro: EEAN/ UFRJ; 1995.
Book translated into Portuguese:
Nightingale F. Notas de enfermagem: o que é e o que não é. Tradução de Amália Correa de Carvalho. São Paulo: Cortez; 1989.
Piece of institutional authorship ou collective entity:
Ministério da Saúde (BR). Dengue: instruções para pessoal de combate ao vetor: manual de normas técnicas. 3ª ed. Brasília (DF): Ministério da Saúde; 2001.
Book chapter:
Pinto MCI, Porto IS. A dor como quinto sinal vital. In: Figueiredo NMA, organizador. Ensinando a cuidar de clientes em situações clínicas e cirúrgicas. São Caetano do Sul (SP): Difusão Paulista de Enfermagem; 2003. p.59-78.
Book published by the organizer, editor or compiler:
Loyola CMD, Oliveira RMP, organizadores. Indícios marginais. Rio de Janeiro: EEAN/UFRJ; 2003.
Book with edition:
Souza EDF. Novo manual de enfermagem. 5ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Bruno Buccini; 1972.
Scientific article published in printed journal (up to six authors):
Carvalho V, Figueiredo NMA, Leite JL, Moreira MC. Questões epistemológicas da construção do conhecimento na Enfermagem - do ensino à prática de cuidar. Esc Anna Nery. 2003 ago;7(2):156-66.
Scientific article published in printed journal (more than  six authors):
Irvine D, O´Brien-Pallas LL, Murray M, Cockeill R, Sidani S, Laurie-Shaw B et al. The reability and validity of two health status measures for evaluating outcomes of home care nursing. Res Nurs Health. 2000 feb;23(1):43-54.
Scientific article published in a journal of electronic media:
Cabral IEC. Cuidando y educando para la cidadanía: modelo sociopolítico. Freire Online. Journal of the Paulo Freire Institute/UCLA [periódico na internet]. 2003 jul; [citado 2003 set 10]; 1(2):[aprox.3 telas]. Disponível em:
Scientific article in referred indexers or electronic libraries:
 Carvalho V. Sobre construtos epistemológicos nas ciências: uma contribuição para a enfermagem. Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem [on line]. 2003 jul/ago; [citado 2003 dez 22];11(4):[aprox.8 telas]. Disponível em:
Scientific journal article in press:
Valadares GV, Viana LO. A globalização, o trabalho especializado e a Enfermagem. Esc Anna Nery. No prelo 2004.
Article published in a journal of commercial dissemination (magazine and newspaper):
Transgênicos: os grãos que assustam. Veja (São Paulo). 2003 out 29; 36(43):95-113.
Tynan T. Medical improvements lower homicide rate: study sees drop in assault rate. The Washington Post. 2002 Aug 12; Sect. A:2 (col. 4).
Abstract, review and editorial published in a regular journal:
Porto IS. Requisitos uniformes para manuscritos na Escola Anna Nery Revista de Enfermagem: por que, para que e como [editorial]. Esc Anna Nery. 2003 dez;3(7):309-10.
Summarized study presented at a scientific meeting and published in the proceedings:
 Teixeira MLO, Sauthier J. Orientação para o autocuidado de clientes cirúrgicos: um estudo fundamentado na relação dialógico-educadora de Paulo Freire. Resumos dos trabalhos apresentados no 52º Congresso Brasileiro de Enfermagem; 2000 out. 21-26; Recife-Olinda (PE), Brasil. Recife (PE): ABEn; 2000. p. 13.
Full Study presented at a scientific meeting and published in the proceedings:
Barreira IB , Baptista SS. Nexos entre a pesquisa em história da Enfermagem e o processo de cientificização da profissão. Anais do 51º Congresso de Enfermagem.10º Congresso Panamericano de Enfermería; 1999 out. 2-7; Florianópolis (SC), Brasil. Florianópolis (SC): ABEn; 2000. p. 295-311.
Dissertation, thesis and academic monograph:
Souza IEO. O desvelar do ser-gestante diante da possibilidade de amamentação [tese]. Rio de Janeiro (RJ): Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; 1993.
Theses and dissertations in electronic material:
Barcelos LMS. Do diálogo autoritário ao discurso dialógico: o cuidado da enfermagem hospitalar na perspectiva de clientes vivendo com AIDS [CD-ROM, dissertação]. Rio de Janeiro: Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; 2003.
Study in electronic material:
Motta MCS, Marin HF, Zeitoune RC. Exame físico em consulta de Enfermagem de Puericultura [CD-ROM]. Rio de Janeiro: NCE / EEAN / Central de Eventos; 2001.
Dictionary entry:
Ferreira ABH. Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. 2ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira; 1986. Enfermagem; p. 651
Scientific and technical report:
Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem, Seção Rio de Janeiro. Relatório Financeiro 2000. Rio de Janeiro: ABEn (RJ); 2000. N° 2014-0139-2824.
Meeting Minutes (document not provided in Vancouver Guidelines:
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Center for Health Sciences, School of Nursing Anna Nery. Minutes of the meeting held on April 1st 1976 Book 50, p. 21. Implementation of the project about the application of new methodologies to the teaching and learning process, on the professional cycle at the graduation course in nursing at this institution, under agreement with the Department of University Subjects by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Rio de Janeiro (RJ): EEAN; 1976 April 01.
 Legal document:
Law n. 7498 from June 25, 1986 (BR). Provide for the regulation of the practice in nursing and other provisions. Official Gazette, Brasília (DF), June 26, 1986: Section 1: 1.
Legal document electronic media:
Law n. 7498 from June 25, 1986 (BR). Provide for the regulation of the practice in nursing and other provisions. Official Gazette [serial on the Internet], Brasília (DF). June 26, 1986 [cited July 4, 2008]. Available in:

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- International Nursing Index
- Index Medicus

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